陈嘉庚先生是一位杰出的实业家,一位卓越的爱国华侨领袖,更是一位倾资办学、享誉全球的教育家。"嘉庚精神”是广大海外侨胞爱国主义精神的集中体现,是我们民族宝贵的精神财富。"华侨旗帜,民族光辉”是毛泽东同志对他的崇高评价。 |
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?The Foundation course runs over 3 Stages: Diagnostic, Confirmation, and Final Major Project. During Diagnostic Stage, students will consider progression opportunities available in specialist pathway through research, applied critical judgement and the identification of personal goals. For Confirmatory Stage, students must demonstrate an ability to study at BA level with an edited and condensed portfolio, that will consist of work produced throughout the entire course. ?
授课教师:Cindy 幽默细心
?HNC is a course that enables a learner to learn absolutely everyhting?
授课教师:Lily 乐观敬业
授课教师:陈老师 北京腔儿化音达人
?Graphics and Lens-Based Media exist in many forms, which are designed to communicate ideas that captivate, interact, motivate and encourage. The engaging process in effective visual communication is when an artwork evokes emotional responses and provokes thought.?
授课教师:Join 热情洋溢
?Go for it! just do it! Better late than never.
Don't give up and don't give in.?
授课教师:Andy 开放专业
?Learn English from listening, first listen and then say, let us enter the audio-visual world of pure English.?
授课教师:Bruce 一口纯正的美式英语
?计算机技术在生产生活中的应用越来越密切,计算机 应用包括科学计算(数值处理)、信息管理(数据处理)、辅 助设计与制造、教育信息化、电子商务、人工智能、网络 通信等。?
?授课教师:Sam 分享达人
总主编:黄国兴 周南岳 主编:周南岳